Today I was tasked with developing a web application that would load and daisy-chain a user-defined selection of ASP.NET forms and, at the end of the cycle, command each form to update its respective data source. The approach that I took was to create each form as a web user control that contained a form view control bound to a declarative data source for its select, insert and update operations.
This was easy enough but I still needed a way to command each form to update its data source and the options appeared to be either to create a public method in each of the user controls and call that in the page (which didn't feel like good design) or to create an event handler for the user control and use that in the page. The caveat with the second method is that event bubbling starts at the bottom (the user control) and travels up to the top level (the page) – this is groovy if you want to handle a user control event in the parent page – I needed however to raise an event in the parent page and then have each user control respond automatically to the event by saving its data.
To achieve this I used a custom base page class in ASP.Net that inherited from page and included a new 'ButtonClick' event that I could later raise in my main application page:
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Namespace Custom Namespace Web Namespace UI Public Class Page Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub OnButtonClick(ByVal e As EventArgs) RaiseEvent ButtonClick(Me, e) End Sub Public Event ButtonClick As EventHandler End Class End Namespace End Namespace End Namespace
Then in my application page I swapped out the System.Web.UI.Page inheritance with my Custom.Web.UI.Page reference and captured a button click that would raise the event:
Partial Class MyForms Inherits Custom.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click ' Raise event OnButtonClick(e) End Sub ' ... End Class
Following on from this I hooked up an event handler in each of the web user controls to listen for the event and save the form's data:
Partial Class Controls_EspnForm Inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load Dim p As Custom.Web.UI.Page = CType(Page, Custom.Web.UI.Page) AddHandler p.ButtonClick, AddressOf Page_ButtonClick End Sub Protected Sub Page_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) ' Do something here... End Sub End Class
There we have it, now I could fire the insert and update commands (or execute any other code) on each and every web user control by simply firing my new 'ButtonClick' event.
Creating a custom event type and adding an argument
To send along an argument with the event simply create a custom event type (I added it to my Custom.Web.UI namespace):
Namespace Custom Namespace Web Namespace UI Public Class CustomEventArgs Inherits EventArgs Public EventArgument As String Public Sub New(ByVal arg As String) Me.EventArgument = arg End Sub End Class ' ...
Raise the event along with the argument:
Partial Class MyForms Inherits Custom.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub SaveButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles SaveButton.Click Dim arg As Custom.Web.UI.CustomEventArgs = New Custom.Web.UI.CustomEventArgs("My Argument") ' Raise event OnButtonClick(arg) End Sub ' ... End Class
Then just read off the argument in the Page_ButtonClick method:
Protected Sub Page_ButtonClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Dim args As Custom.Web.UI.CustomEventArgs = CType(e, Custom.Web.UI.CustomEventArgs) Dim value As String = args.EventArgument End Sub
Hi,Once the design specifications have been decided, it is best to start planning the navigation structure in Web Design Cochin and content of the Web pages.Thanks....